FunSPICE Solver


This applet performs steady state DC analysis on circuits defined with spice-style netlists! The implemented components are:

Example Netlists

Here are some example circuits, with the input and output from LTspice. They aren't necessarily realistic electronic circuits but more of a journal of tests performed while the code was developed.

Netfile Schematic LTspice Output Notes
V1 N001 0 5
R1 N001 N002 15
R2 N001 N003 10
R3 N002 0 5
R4 N003 0 15
R5 N002 N003 2
V(N001) 5.0
V(0) 0
V(N002) 1.81
V(N003) 2.11
I(V1) -0.5
I(R1) 0.21
I(R2) 0.29
I(R3) 0.36
I(R4) 0.14
I(R5) -0.15
A classic. Equivalent resistance of a wheatstone bridge
R1 N001 N004 1
R2 N001 N003 4
R3 N004 N006 3
R4 N003 N006 2
R5 0 N001 0.6
R6 N007 N006 0.5
R7 N007 N002 2
R8 N007 N005 4
R9 N002 0 3
R10 N005 0 1
V1 N006 0 24
Equivalent Resistance
Equivalent Resistance
V(n001) 4.8
V(n004) 9.6
V(n003) 17.6
V(n006) 24
V(n007) 20
V(n002) 12
V(n005) 4
I(R10) 4
I(R9) 4
I(R8) 4
I(R7) 4
I(R6) -8
I(R5) -8
I(R4) -3.2
I(R3) -4.8
I(R2) -3.2
I(R1) -4.8
I(V1) -16
One of the first test circuits that worked – a single voltage source, grounded at the negative end, and a net of resistors. Essentially measuring the equivalent resistance across a finite set of resistors.
R1 N001 N002 8
R2 N001 0 2
R3 0 N002 3
V1 N001 N002 2
Parallel Voltage
Parallel Voltage
V(n001) 0.8
V(n002) -1.2
I(R3) -0.4
I(R2) -0.4
I(R1) -0.25
I(V1) -0.65
One of the earliest tests - the first version of the code could only handle one voltage source, with the ground at the negative end. This circuit tested the ability to place the ground anywhere.
R1 N002 0 4
R2 N001 0 2.5
V1 N002 N001 5
I1 N001 N002 1
Parallel Sources
Parallel Sources
V(n002) 3.077
V(n001) -1.923
I(I1) 1
I(R2) -0.769
I(R1) 0.769
I(V1) 0.231
A lot of work had to happen to allow multiple sources to be added, especially current sources, and especially sources linked together. This simple circuit tests a lot of essential implementation details.
V3 N001 P001 1
I1 0 P001 2
V4 N001 P002 4
R1 P002 0 1
I2 N001 0 1
V2 P003 0 1
R2 N001 P003 4.7
R3 N001 P004 1.5
R4 P004 0 2
Many Sources
Many Sources
V(p003) 1
V(n001) 3.479
V(p001) 2.479
V(p002) -0.521
V(p004) 1.988
I(I2) 1
I(I1) 2
I(R4) 0.994
I(R3) 0.994
I(R2) 0.527
I(R1) -0.521
I(V4) -0.521
I(V3) -2
I(V2) 0.527
A stress test of the implementation of the sources.
R2 N003 N004 2
R3 0 N001 2
R4 N003 0 1
C1 N003 N003 0.0001
V2 N001 N002 0.5
V1 N002 N004 1.5
Shorted Capacitor
Shorted Capacitor
V(n002) 0.3
V(n004) -1.2
V(n001) 0.8
V(n003) -0.4
I(R4) 0.4
I(R3) 0.4
I(R2) -0.4
I(V2) -0.4
I(V1) -0.4
This tests an edge case - what happens when a component is shorted.
R1 N011 N015 0.007
R2 0 N015 10
R3 N002 0 1
R4 N001 N004 2
R5 N010 N015 0.5
R6 N015 N014 5.1
R7 N014 N008 1.7
R8 N006 N001 1.5
R9 P001 N001 4
R10 N007 N012 4
R11 N013 N014 4
R12 N016 N014 5
R13 N002 N001 4
R14 N003 N005 1
I1 P001 N003 2
I2 N002 N011 1
R15 N003 N005 2
C1 N001 N009 0.001
C2 N004 N010 0.001
C3 N006 N008 50
L1 N012 N016 0.5
L2 N007 N013 1
L3 N009 N015 4
V1 N001 N014 5
V2 N005 N007 5
Multi-Source RLC
Multi-Source RLC
V(n011) 2.0468
V(n015) 2.0398
V(n002) -0.204
V(n001) 2.980
V(n004) 2.980
V(n010) 2.0398
V(n014) -2.0199
V(n008) -2.0199
V(n006) 2.9801
V(p001) -5.0199
V(n007) 3.520
V(n012) 1.0579
V(n013) 3.518
V(n016) 1.0573
V(n003) 9.853
V(n005) 8.520
V(n009) 2.0398
I(C3) 2.5e-10
I(C2) 9.403e-16
I(C1) 9.403e-16
I(L3) 0
I(L2) 1.385
I(L1) 0.615
I(I2) 1
I(I1) 2
I(R15) 0.667
I(R14) 1.333
I(R13) -0.796
I(R12) 0.615
I(R11) 1.385
I(R10) 0.615
I(R9) -2
I(R8) -2.5e-10
I(R7) -2.5e-10
I(R6) 0.796
I(R5) 8.882e-16
I(R4) 6.661e-16
I(R3) -0.204
I(R2) -0.204
I(R1) 1
I(V2) 2
I(V1) -2.796
A full test of an RLC circuit, with multiples of everything including the sources, and multiple supernodes of different types.
R2 N003 0 3
D1 N002 N003 D
V1 N001 N004 7
R1 N002 N001 2
R3 0 N004 1
.lib ~/Library/Application Support/LTspice/lib/cmp/standard.dio
V(n003) 3.08275
V(n002) 3.91725
V(n001) 5.97242
V(n004) -1.02758
I(D1) 1.02759
I(R3) 1.02758
I(R1) -1.02758
I(R2) 1.02758
I(V1) -1.02758
As a final step, a nonlinear component was implemented to verify the solver. A very simple circuit with a diode included, as a verification of the diode implementation. The voltage across the diode differs from LTspice by ~1%, no doubt because LTspice uses a 17- parameter Berkeley diode model and I am just using the 3-parameter Shockley equation.
V1 N002 N012 5
V2 N005 N007 5
I1 P001 N001 2
I2 N003 N010 1
L1 P002 P003 0.5
L2 N007 P004 1
L3 N008 N011 4
C1 N002 N008 0.001
C3 P005 P006 50
R1 N010 N011 0.007
R2 0 N011 10
R3 N003 0 1
R4 N002 N006 2
R5 N009 N011 0.5
R6 N011 N012 5.1
R7 N012 P006 1.7
R8 P005 N002 1.5
R9 P001 N002 4
R10 N007 P002 4
R11 P004 N012 4
R12 P003 N012 5
R13 N003 N002 4
R15 N001 N005 2
D1 N006 N009 D
D2 N001 N004 D
R14 N005 N004 1
L4 N015 N012 0.5
D3 N011 N015 D
V3 N014 N013 4
D4 N014 N011 D
R16 N011 N013 4
.model D D
.lib ~/Library/Application Support/LTspice/lib/cmp/standard.dio
RLC with Diodes
RLC with Diodes
V(n002) 4.048
V(n012) -0.9520
V(n005) 9.588
V(n007) 4.588
V(p001) -3.952
V(n001) 11.478
V(n003) 0.00961
V(n010) -0.0891
V(p002) 2.126
V(p003) 2.125
V(p004) 4.586
V(n008) -0.0961
V(n011) -0.0961
V(p005) 4.0480
V(p006) -0.952
V(n006) 1.406
V(n009) 0.565
V(n004) 10.643
V(n015) -0.950
V(n014) 0.732
V(n013) -3.268
I(C3) 2.5e-10
I(C1) 4.144e-15
I(D4) 0.793
I(D3) 2.163
I(D2) 1.0549
I(D1) 1.321
I(L4) 2.163
I(L3) 0
I(L2) 1.385
I(L1) 0.615
I(I2) 1
I(I1) 2
I(R16) 0.793
I(R14) -1.0549
I(R15) 0.945
I(R13) -1.00961
I(R12) 0.615
I(R11) 1.385
I(R10) 0.615
I(R9) -2
I(R8) -2.5e-10
I(R7) -2.5e-10
I(R6) 0.168
I(R5) 1.321
I(R4) 1.321
I(R3) 0.00961
I(R2) 0.00961
I(R1) 1
I(V3) -0.793
I(V2) 2
I(V1) -4.331
Final test - a messy circuit with multiples of all implemented components. Some of the values differ from LTspice by a few %, because the diode models are different.